Upcoming Events


Nomination Committee Volunteers Needed!

A PTL Executive Board Nomination Committee is now being formed to oversee the election of the 23-24 PTL Executive Board. If you are interested in serving on the nomination committee, please contact Bekah Schmidt or Jaime Sallis for more information. bekahmschmidt@gmail.com Jaime.sallis@gmail.com

Re-Enrollment is Now Open!

It is that time again! Re-enrollment is here! If you are planning on returning to Grace for the 2023-2024 school you are encouraged to re-enroll now. For a short window […]

Summer Camp Enrollment is here!

It's time for summer camp enrollment! Grace Lutheran Summer Camp 2023 will be held for 7 weeks, from June 5 th, 2023 – July 21 st , 2023. Since July 4 th is a federal and facility holiday, the week of July 4 th will be a 4-day camp week. Doors open at 7:00 am. […]